? ? ? ? ?我早年经历的那些糗事情想必大家早有耳闻,大家听我讲故事应该也听腻了吧,今天我就介绍一下自己的那个“富贵病”吧。我患抑郁症至少也有七八年了,初次接触这种怪病的我整个人身体都特别难受,但是自从吃药了以后自己控制的还算不错,在这些年里我从来没有停过药,药物虽然会让我睡的像头死猪,以至于不到早上十一二点就算狠狠掐我脖子、捏我屁股都不能把我给弄醒,但是对我读书思考的日常生活并没有太大的影响。也就是说尽管服药,我还是能保持自己思维的连贯、精力的充沛和源源不断的灵感,在较短的周期内完成一篇篇高质量的文章和一曲曲传世之作。我也想过停药,但是将我视为掌上明珠的妈妈坚决反对,她说如果没有得到医生的允许贸然行事,我肯定会吃苦头,讲得更具体点停药后我的大脑结构会发生变化,如果把一个人的大脑比作一个鸡蛋形状的东西,当一个人停药以后他的那个“鸡蛋”就会瘪下去一块,以至于影响他整个大脑的功能,如果停药后抑郁症再次复发,我就不得不终身服药。
?????????As my early experiences are no longer?new to you and everyone must be tired of it, I am going to introduce my "disease peculiar to the rich" today. It has been seven or eight years since I suffered?from depression, I felt every bone in my body aching and every drop of blood clotting when I first contact with this sort of strange disease, but everything was brought under control and I was in a relatively good condition since medicine had been taken, I dare not withdraw from it in these years, although I can't?but sleep like a log and am reluctant to rise until 11 or 12am even though I am?taken by the throat or pinched on the butt after taking the drugs, it has?little effect on my reading and thinking daily life. That is to say, I can keep coherent thinking, abundant energy and get continual inspiration to complete one high-quality article and classic piece of music after another in short cycle,?in spite of the fact that I have to swallow the painful pills everyday. The idea,?which is firmly opposed by mother, who takes me as the apple of her eye, that I must be cut off from it has constantly occurred to me, mom said it is an irrefutable fact that I will suffer for it if we act rashly without doctor's orders. More specifically, my brain structure will change if I am too hasty to do so, if one's brain is compared to an object of egg shape, one's "egg" sinks in and its function will be further effected when he stops taking the drugs, if?I suffer a relapse then, I will have to take medicine for a life time.
????????If I could be deemed a cold-blooded animal without human affection to anyone and a bookworm burying myself in books?before depression, I became passionate and was full of emotion to the world since suffering from it. We all know that art is an emotional learning, a skilled man without feeling can't turn into an artist no matter how skilled he is, while an emotional man can be easily hammered into a virtuoso. Every time when I was depressive, I brought my emotions into composing activity and with the slightest embellishment a piece of magnificent movement would come out. Everytime when I was triumphant to show my achievement to people around me, I was?praise to the skies, "Claudio Huang is a real genius", "one more effort you can create unprecedented miracles", "you are so awful", "you are the idol everyone pay homage to", as if these words are a great healer, they can sweep away all my depressive feelings and give me a sense that "I am overwhelmed with profound?sentiments just because I am depressive, it is just because of it that I can achieve brilliant success in art realm", so, every time when I introduce my illness to others, I can declare proudly that "I am a composer noted for melancholy".
????????Any normal person, if remains in dire straits of depression, hopes himself get better as soon as possible and get back to a healthy state of career success and family happiness, but I am just?the reverse. If I could make a wish, I am bound to hope that my illness will never be cured, because once it is done, I will have no other choice but to return to the group of normal majorities, as a follower of mainstream values accumulate money for house, spend it to upgrade my car and busy for a nine-to-five?job, yet I, if break away from these things, can maximize my value when I am exposed?to the group of depressive patients: to make speeches about my philosophical?ideas among them, to write a few melancholic and lyrical pieces for them, to cultivate several adept piano players among them. Depression is a disease peculiar to the rich, that is to say one begins to meditate on the meaning of?life when he need not worry about food, with these thoughts he strayed into a blind alley and then slipped into depression without consciousness. Therefore,?Tulip is never running short of thinkers and philosophies who rack their brains?for life, value and meaning. Everyone gave full consideration to life and read?a large collection of spiritual books before illness. Only in this group I, a talented, educated and gifted man, am in line for a place for myself. Once I am cured and return to the group of normal majorities, I will have to repress my?eagerness for wisdom and knowledge and face to face with the predicament of worldly things. So, I would rather be lashed one hundred times than to get my disease cured, only so can I stay in the depressive group, and only in this group can I find my meaning and value for existence.
? ? ????我是黄越青,我永远都抹不掉自己身上那个特殊的标签——抑郁症患者。
? ? ? ? I am Claudio Huang, I can never erase that special tag on my body—a depressive sufferer.